I have noticed that lately I haven’t been dreaming as much as I used to.

Pre-pandemic I would have had at least 2-3 dreams per week but after the pandemic struck I think with all the thoughts racing around in my head, when I go to sleep my brain probably decides to give my subsconcious mind some well deserved shut eye as well.

Last night after I fell asleep, I had this dream and it felt more like a premonition than a dream.

Tangent warning ⚠️

Back during the college days, Abel and I were friends, along with Yaskir and Shawn.

One day while walking back home after classes, I disclosed to Abel that I had a dream….that in the near future we would have a spat so big that it would cause a civil war in the group.

Abel chuckled 🀭

And Lo and behold a few months later, it happened.

Abel pulled off some shenanigans at the expense of Yaskir and Shawn and when I confronted him and ripped him a new one (verbally)…he went to his backup group and played the victim and turned our other acquaintances against me.

Did I care.???

Because the backup group was governed by a queen bee who decided what the group did, who the group interacted with etc,etc.
If you want an analogy, remember the leader of the group in Mean girls.πŸ‘‡

When Abel left, he took Yaskir with him but not Shawn because he considered him to be a dumb ass…. So Shawn tagged along with me for a bit before he got involved in some shenanigans with a girl.

What was the shenanigans you might ask….
Well I won’t divulge too much but let’s just say he committed the same folly as Joy back in 2010.

“Just because you confess your feelings to a girl, it doesn’t mean it has to be reciprocated….being an asshole after getting turned down doesn’t help your case either”

I got friendzoned by Fi so imagine approaching a girl that you don’t know well and expecting her to reciprocate your Pyaar ka izhaar.πŸ™„

Back to the story…πŸ˜…

Well there were two premonitions
One was that I stand up to Papa Bear after all these years…. and it gets ugly.

Second one was Angelica visiting me with her Mom (post hitchment)

Can’t remember the entirety of it but the visit was super short and it didn’t sit well with me because it gave me flashbacks.

There is this saying that distance makes the heart grow fonder, I find it to be true but too much of a proximity also causes you to be at each other’s throats.The duration of the visit has to be just right similar to what you see in the Goldilocks story.

During my childhood days, Angelica would often come to the city for her vacations.

I remember once when Angelica came to visit us, she had a connecting flight in the wee hours of the morning.

She came in at around 9pm in the night. I was excited because when you don’t have a younger sibling your closest cousin by default becomes your default sis.

If memory serves me correct, when she visited we talked for a bit, when out and stared at the sky (something was happening in the sky that night, super moon, or something along those lines)

After a while I went to bed, hoping to catch up where we left off in the morning.

When I woke up in the morning there was no Angelica in sight, Mom wondered why I was up at the crack of dawn…and there I was frantically searching for Angelica so you can imagine my dejection to hear that she had already left.

Now bear in mind that the title of the post only holds true if the person visiting you is someone who is dear to you…

On the contrary, if it’s someone who you hate then I’m guessing your attitude towards them would be something along the lines of…

Premonition no.1 has a higher likelihood of happening. For πŸ‘‡to happen, I have to break away from the yolk and influence completely. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for everything Papa Bear has done for me but one way or another the buck stops with me.

P.S. The way to achieve πŸ‘† isn’t by telling yourself to do what a certain someone wouldn’t, because if you keep approaching it in that way you might subconsciously turn into the thing that you are trying to avoid, I feel like you need to treat the progeny the way you would have like to be treated and hope things work out for the best.

The premonition with Angelica is less likely to occur and even if it does most likely it won’t be a short term visit.

Well in any case, since I’m not a soothsayer, you never know stranger things have happened.

In other news…

Season finale

In gaming news…

In anime news…

Need to one shot this arc, read the manga it looked awesome can only imagine how good the animation must be.🀩🀩🀩

Long weekend cometh…..