Well this is the last thing on my to-do list.

Ran errands, cooked food, did chores, binge watched new tv shows and movies.

Must watch 🀩🀩🀩🀩

Feel cherished…..Feel needed

Came across this in the tv show… No matter how you cut it I think those two aspects are gender locked? Women want to feel cherished/treasured, men want to feel needed/sense of belonging?

4 accounts theory.
2 personal
1 bills…house mortgage, food
Savings…both sign to move funds

This was mentioned by Steve Harvey and I heard it in passing. If I ever come across that bridge I will definitely make a strong case to implement that…That way you maintain your own unique identity even when you are part of a unit.

You both look after yourself for the other person….Not you scratch my back, I scratch yours

When I was small and I saw my peers getting into relationships (this was before the ball dropped)

I assumed that the relationship would help make you a better person and that you would try to become your best self for your respective other.

But as I grew older, I realized the sad truth that in most cases the opposite is true… You put forth your best self up until the honeymoon phase of the relationship after which your true self takes over, you take each other for granted, fights linger on and without reaching a settlement snowball into bigger fights.

You both look after yourselves for the other person…hmmm… trying to wrap my head around that one.

But ya one thing is for certain… A relationship isn’t a magic elixir…. Whatever you were before getting into a relationship is the same way you will be after…now if you make an effort to improve or change then you will bear the fruits of that labor.

Even though you know that she/he is not the one for you…your libido says otherwise.

This was plucked out from UPLOAD.

No matter how much you might refute it some of your actions are definitely governed by your πŸ† or πŸ₯ (not sure if that’s the equivalent for the eggplant emoji but let’s just go with that)

There is an argument to be made with….

But sometimes we know that we deserve more but because our current “buddy” has the tools required to pacify our downstairs neighbors we go along with them until we get tired or until someone “better” comes along.

Example: Girl uses guy to gain clout, guy realizes it, takes up girl on her offer, they have fun…one party more than the other…(😏)…Girl dumps guy…guy gets emotional…jumps through hoops to get her back …girl things he’s got him wrapped around her little fingers…. one day out of the blue, guy finds new girl and dumps the old one…just like that.

On some level all the erotica that we are exposed to makes us think that it will be like that for us every single time…what we fail to realize is that that’s not real life, that’s their job and what you see isn’t exactly what really happens.

But hey ignorance is bliss right πŸ‘…. Well you can hold onto that theory until there are two people in the same bed πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

The old me probably believed in the love you for all eternity but the mature me believes that you can love someone for a lifetime but all of eternity it’s easier said than done.

Rachel once told me what happened to you…you were always such a romantic but now you are turning into a cynic….

Well I know she means well…to an extent but the answer to her question was LIFE happened.

Back home when I was in my comfort zone, not having to fend for myself, watching all the Pixar movies…I was a strong advocate of the Love you forever but as I am right now….well I still believe in LOVE…

I’m in love with the concept of being in love but all of eternity is that even practical…it’s a good concept but no if you can love someone for your mortal life that’s good enough and it’s longer than what the shelf life of love lasts nowadays anyways.

Tinder dates…. Hookups turn into a rating system where I scratch your back and you scratch mine…

I’m not into the Tinder game but do people really rate each other…. This sort of reminds me of the Social Credit System that China has in place where you are rated based on whether you are good boy/girl or bad boy/girl.

We have deepfakes now…once AR, VR and android tech develops will people even yearn for human intimacy anymore or play it safe with a cyborg.

Once the aforementioned tech develops say farewell to red light districts, only fans etc. This might seem like good news to all the single people out there but if you go in a little bit deeper you will realize that it will be the end of human-human contact.

Think about it, if you could mold your respective other to suit your needs who wouldn’t… Now some will say that’s blasphemous…those are the same people who say that they are never seen any erotica in their life…

Don’t have expectations won’t get disappointed… 2 time hearing it in a matter of months…hmm

Well it’s not a bad thought, you can avoid disappointments but what’s the point in living like that you still need to have hope right…it is what we fight with when all else seems lost???

Incognito mode…what if it works in the exact opposite way that you assume it to. Instead of granting your privacy it just pings you so that they can have a closer look.

Incognito mode, VPN….on the web are you ever truly anonymous…what if you using them flags you in so that a more close eye can be kept on your activities.???

When your parents pass away, your last connection to childhood is gone?

This cut deep…. But ya Time is a heartless 🐩. Drags on when you don’t want it to… Races when you are having a good time.

Threatening someone is not love no matter how you slice it.

Some call it tough love ..I’m not one of those people… If you threaten someone or harm them in any shape or form then it’s no longer love at play there…it’s ownership they have been in your eyes reduced to an object that you feel like you have the exclusive ownership too…


You do not….and if there is something beating in that hollow tin chest that you will regret the way you treated them when they are gone….

If you could witness your funeral, do you think it would cheer you up or bum you down?

When I do exit this realm of existence, I’m outta here because I’m pretty sure if I was spectating it would bum me down…

It’s just code…
They want people to pay for upgrades
It’s called capitalism

Another excerpt from UPLOAD….most of the stuff online is just code but you won’t get it for free because if you get it for free then you won’t cherish it, you will lose interest and the thing will die down …add a value to it and it becomes something that is treasured/ sought out and makes the developers money.

Would you still be with your respect other if the physical aspect of things were removed?

When I was a kid, eating mom’s homemade food day in and day out… I would think out loud…what if you could have takeouts everyday.

One of Broseph’s friend did this and it would make us jelly but now decades later with no parents and their income to support such a lifestyle I see him struggling to even cook up a decent meal.

When we visited a new city with cousins we would often eat out… Hearing about it, I thanked my lucky stars but 2 days in, Me out of all people had to call it quits.

At that point in time I kinda felt like King Midas .. having the power to turn anything I touch to gold only to realize soon enough that it’s more of a curse than a blessing.

I feel like the physical aspect of a relationship is something like that…when you don’t have it you think the world of it but after a while it becomes more of a “Ho Hum πŸ˜‘… Can I go to sleep now?”

The original title of this post was supposed to be

Desire … Times are a changing… Waiting for a connection (not in the way you are thinking)

So desire has been hinted at up above.

Times Are a changing…well I think this was in respect to newly Weds jumping headfirst into pets than kids….

Waiting for a connection πŸ˜‰

Ya no not that…. I finally decided to grow my hair out and was trying to experiment with facial hair.

Me normally.

Trying to see if I can rock something like this…

Aka the Doctor strange look 😁😁😁😁

Let’s see 🀞🀞🀞🀞