When you get into the workforce, there are certain unwritten rules that everyone is expected to follow.

Thou shall not discuss one’s pay with other employees.

But I have also read that this rule was propogated by the employers because they didn’t want workers to know when they would play favouritism and bump one party’s pay by a bit while keeping an others pay stagnant.

I have known employers who have signed people on for a higher pay while others work for the standard amount just because the former were a family friend to the employer…some have even waived off the 90 day probationary period wait before starting a person’s benefits.

But this is not what the title is about…

Sometimes when are in a position of power you go on a power trip and don’t give a 🖕 about what people think…you treat your subordinates as piece of 💩s, whilst simultaneously sucking up to your employer.

In other instances, you try to maintain a balance between your boss’s efficiency rant and worker’s morale and at times you even go far and beyond to even stick your neck out for your co-workers and or subordinates.

However, it was recently brought to my attention maybe I was looking out for people who didn’t deserve it and who would…Et Tu Brute???!! me at a moment’s notice.

Growing up…I was always a glass half full kind of person but after leaving the nest and stepping into the real world…the glass half full attitude slowly transitioned into a glass have empty approach.

In short, I grew to be more and more cynical.

But maybe I need to do a better job at translating it into the work environment.

Because thinking back now…after being enlightened… what the well wisher said was true…some of the people that I have stuck my neck out for have always acted to safeguard their own interests.

What is the point in going above and beyond for someone when they wouldn’t do the same for you and you know it to be true because even when countless opportunities presented itself in the past where they could have helped you get out of a pickle they chose to turn a blind eye.

Sometimes I wonder…if the realities of life is what made some people (who I know) from being joyful and full of hope to bitter and cynical.

Like all things in life, you need to practice to inculcate something into your being but hopefully at the end of it all, I don’t end up in the 👆 right hand side category.